
  • Use the full power of HubSpot CMS to create engaging content to attract top talent
  • Use the Greenhouse's awesome applicant tracking capabilities to manage the life cycle of applications and create talent pools

Integration Features

Greenhouse Prospect & Candidates to HubSpot Contacts

  • All Greenhouse Prospects & Candidates (or filtered subset) sent to HubSpot
  • Customize field mappings (one-way sync, two-way sync)
  • HubSpot Contact sent to Greenhouse when meet select criteria
  • Greenhouse activity (application status, applicant answers to questions) sent to HubSpot as timeline events, avaible for use in workflows

Greenhouse Jobs to HubSpot Deals

  • All Jobs created as HubSpot Deals
  • HubSpot Contacts (Greenhouse Candidates) linked to the Deals (Jobs) they apply for

Greenhouse Jobs Posts to HubSpot HubDB Table(s)

  • Create a custom, HubSpot powered, dynamic job board that stays up to date with the latest details from Greenhouse

RSS Feed of Active Job Posts

  • Delivered to the HubSpot file manager as Greenhouse Job Posts are updated






A clear and bold header

The headline and subheader tells us what you're offering, and the form header closes the deal. Over here you can explain why your offer is so great it's worth filling out a form for.